the craving for suffering to be necessary

i do not want to accept a reality where humans are created so blind, the soul bound to a machine that carries so many flaws, and abandoned there to fend for themselves. how can god expect us to choose correctly? it’s like trusting a baby with a machete.

suffering can only make sense to me if it’s a part of his game. every mistake must be chosen deliberately by him, out of a curiosity of the various paths in and out of hell, the different flavors of ignorance, and a joy in struggle and effort, in losing and receiving again.

does god really leave us to flounder and suffer until our minds naturally turn to him? or does he choose to suffer, out of curiosity of different journeys in and out of Hell, wanting to explore every Valley of Death, experiencing the joy in effort of moving down then up again.

is tamas not a mode of krishna? is evil not just Him concealing himself? willfully embracing diverse forms, physical and mental, rather than awareness itself? how else can He “wipe every tear from our eyes”? what other explanation is there? what other justification can be given?

Karthik Bala @kbala444