sadhguru and plato's symposium

i think this non-chalant sadhguru video, “How to Remain Focused & Energetic As You Age?", is a trojan horse for the ladder of eros in Plato’s Symposium. just replace the word ‘interest’ with Eros

sadhguru says the energy derived from the body goes down as we age, but the energy derived from the intellect and consciousness stays with us.

so we can infer it is more permanent. maybe because it is more subtle, and thus closer to God and Spirit.

the ladder of eros in the symposium, the ladder that lifts us from ‘interest’ in bodies to interest in knowledge, seems to me like what sadhguru is asking us to climb

i’m also reminded of cephalus, the elder in the beginning of plato’s republic. cephalus does not miss sex and feasts. he is actually happy to be free of these compulsions, and remains vibrant, enjoying life’s other pleasures

Karthik Bala @kbala444